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Data registrazione: Jun 2007
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Predefinito arginina ennesima domanda x GURU - 28-06-2008, 09:57 AM

arginina ennesima domanda x GURU

dovevo iniziare a prendere la citrullina che avevo trovato a un ottimo prezzo peccato che non me la vuole spedire ...
quindi ora dovrei scegliere altro .. quasi quasi mi ributterei sul nitrix ma farei un mese contro i 3 degli scorsi anni e poi mi rode perche ha un costo nettamente maggiore
ora hanno tirato fuori la tecnologia avpt del rilascio prolungato .. c'e' chi dice che non e' possibile ... c'e' chi dice di si ... io sono piu propenso che si possa fare ... ci sono tante sostanze a rilascio prolungato perche no l'arginina ...

cmq andando un po in giro su internet ho trovato degli studi per risolvere il fatto se e' meglio aakg aee o la forma malata
leggendo in giro la citrullina da ottimi pumps ma e' piu per lo sviluppo di atp e resistenza del workout .. sara che cmq e' cara quindi solo citrullina non si trova molto facilmente quindi ne parlano pochi ...

questo e' aakg vs aee

Esterification (as in arginine ethyl ester, AEE) or bonding with alpha ketoglutarate (as in arginine alpha ketoglutarate, AAKG)
would promote absorption, stability, and bioavailability. But beyond this, alpha ketoglutarate has many other properties
that esterification would not deliver. In particular, with an alpha-ketoglutarate bond, one would obtain all
the endothelial-lining-support and vasoldilation properties of arginine plus a number of cool benefits of alpha ketoglutarate (AKG),
such as more arginine stability, bioavailability and absorption.
Furthermore, alpha ketoglutarate will serve as a transport medium for arginine, making it directly available at the cellular levels
for optimal synthesis. Beyond this, alpha ketoglutarate improves the endogenous production of of glutamine and glutamic acid,
both important for muscle growth and for the immune system. AKG also binds to toxic ammonia in muscle cells, in the liver,
and in the brain, thereby converting ammonia into glutamic acid, improving glutamine levels and assisting in elimination of toxic ammonia from the body. Lastly, as a Krebs Cycle intermediate, AKG improves VO2 Max and energy metabolism in muscle cells,
and is consequently a potent ergogenic.

Personally, I prefer the AAKG, not just because it is a more natural compound, but because it possesses several other important
properties. More precisely, arginine bonded to any of the Krebs Cycle intermediate such as citrate, fumarate, malate, succinate,
and alpha ketoglutarate, or compounds involved indirectly in the energy cycle, for instance, orotate, pyruvate, and so on,
generally yields improved absorption, bioavailability, and potency.

In terms of dosing, it may help to recall that plain arginine has the property that it's absorption through the intestines is limited,
causing arginine to be rapidly degraded, leaving only small quantities to produce the typical arginine effects. This is why you need
to consume relatively more base arginine to see any results. Esterification or bonding with alpha ketoglutarate overcomes the
typical arginine limitations, ensuring that arginine absorbs optimally and is available for its ergogenic properties. So, you basically
need less of arginine ethyl ester (about 3g per dose) or arginine alpha ketoglutarate, (about 3g per dose) compared to base
arginine to produce better results than base arginine.

questo e' per la malata

NO has a tremendous hemodilating ability where increased blood flow to the muscle cells induces an incredible muscle
volumizing effect. Most supplement companies use Arginine Alpha ketoglutarate (AAKG) to raise NO. AAKG has become the most
commonly used form of Arginine in NO products. AAKG is Arginine chemically bound to alpha-ketoglutaric acid.

AAKG is good, but we wanted to bring Arginine supplementation to a higher level. 2Pumped™ contains a form of Arginine that is
molecularly bound to the Krebs Cycle Intermediate Malic Acid. This compound is known as Di-Arginine Malate. Not only does
Di-Arginine Malate contain a higher concentration of Arginine than AAKG, but Malic Acid represents a far superior Krebs Cycle
Intermediate than alpha-ketoglutaric acid. DI-ARGININE MALATE IS THE BEST FORM OF ARGININE

allora da quello che e' scritto sembrerebbe che il miglior asssorbimento lo dia la aee ... pero le migliori proprieta le abbia aakg ... pero se si cerca il massimo pump almeno a leggere quello che c'e' scritto qui ci si deve orientare sulla malata ...
magari si potrebbe fare un mix delle 2

che ne pensi guru ???
tu hai mai provato la malata e aakg ???
io solo aee e aakg ... nitrix e un'altra marca di solo aee la seconda non mi ha dato nessun pump ...

Ultima Modifica di greatescape : 28-06-2008 10:01 AM.
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