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Shade Shade Non in Linea
Moderatore Hollow
Messaggi: 6,900
Data registrazione: Dec 2008
Età: 36
Predefinito Pink Magin USPlabs - 04-11-2010, 10:35 PM

Pink Magin USPlabs

Ciao a tutti

Le pubblicità dei prodotti più strani arrivano sempre nella mia casella e-mail

Questo prodotto mi ha lasciato un po perplesso, si presenta come testo booster, e contiene elementi mai sentiti in vita mia
Altra cosa strana e che la casa lo lancia mettendo nelle caratteristiche d'uso la durata massima di un ciclo che non deve superare i 6 giorni, con una pausa di altri 5-6...... mi sembra molto strano....

Cmq questa è l'etichetta:

Amount per serving 2caps

Proprietary blend 1600mg

Massularia Acuminate (Serm)
Nelumbo nucifera (seeds and leaves)
Rhamnus Nakaharai (Stem)

Cosa sono questi elementi e come agiscono?????? ma soprattutto sono utili al fine di aumentare il testo??????


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Shade Shade Non in Linea
Moderatore Hollow
Messaggi: 6,900
Data registrazione: Dec 2008
Età: 36
Predefinito 04-11-2010, 10:40 PM

Ps, piccolo errore nel nome del prodotto, si chiama PINK MAGIC e non MAGIN
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blackmambaq blackmambaq Non in Linea
Messaggi: 114
Data registrazione: Sep 2010
Località: L'Aquila
Età: 34
Predefinito 04-11-2010, 10:41 PM

innanzitutto si chiama Pink Magic...XD
è un integratore ai limiti dell'integrazione!! per questo viene consigliato di fare cicli di 6 giorni... co e avviene per animal test ec...
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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 04-11-2010, 11:11 PM

Massularia Acuminate is an herbal ingredient that has just recently hit the market. It's been fairly unknown until now, but is there any data or science behind the ingredient and what can we tell from it's limited studies? The marketing on Massularia Acuminate is that it is an androgenic herbal extract that can act like prohormones or steroids in the body, but the amount of information is very small. I will go through the literature and discuss what the data says and how it might be useful for building muscle.

One study does show that Massularia Acuminate may be "androgenic" but to me this is rather misleading because what many countries wrongly label as androgenic. The effect of Massularia Acuminate is really more similar to the herb tribulus in it's suggested mechanism, which is to increase testosterone output and testosterone effects. This subtle difference has some profound effects on the body. A true androgenic herb will actually have the opposite effect, of these herbs. It's not to say that Massularia Acuminate is worthless, it's just more of a testosterone booster, than a true androgenic herbal extract. The main problem with this study is that it was done in rats and extrapolating it in humans, the effective dose is anywhere between 2200 milligrams at the low end and over 8500mg at the high end. This makes most supplements containing Massularia Acuminate to be very under dosed. Compared to valid testosterone boosting agents like anti-estrogenic herbs and d-aspartic acid, this makes Massularia Acuminate a pretty poor choice for a testosterone booster. Additionally, as a testosterone booster, it is never going to give you a similar effect as an anabolic steroid or prohormone, so it's not really living up to the hype. Still, it does have one study showing it may increase testicular activity and it does have some promise as a testosterone booster, yet, there are many good testosterone boosters on the market and if you want to go further, you can look at prohormones or other true androgenic herbs like Tinospora to achieve better results. Testosterone boosters like ATD have only shown increases in testosterone in the human range, which is 900ng/dl and that isn't enough to add significant muscle using comparative supplements as a benchmark. To get real testosterone like effects, you need an herb that acts like an androgen and the only one of those that is proven is Tinospora, since it is referenced against DHT and matches up to hydroxytestosterone in potency. Testosterone boosting agents like Massularia Acuminate are good for older men or people with low testosterone, but it doesn't seem to have enough of an effect to build muscle. That, plus the need for 2-8000mg of the stuff means it won't likely be strong enough in a supplement to have an effect.

One interesting property of this her is its use as a anti-bacterial oral agent. Massularia Acuminate may help with tooth decay and in fact that is the most commonly studied use of this herb. The stems have anti-bacterial properties and the Africans in the studies chew them to prevent tooth decay. There are actually 4 studies showing this benefit of Massularia Acuminate and it might be something good to have on hand for a mouth rinse or if you wish to have fresher breath. Unfortunately most bodybuilders are not going to chew this extract, and will in fact want to use it for the testosterone boosting effects, which makes this use not very appealing.

Unfortunately this herb doesn't have a lot of data behind it except for those 5 studies, making it tough to trust as a testosterone booster, especially when there are many better testosterone boosting agents on the market like 2-Phenyl-Di-Benzyl-Benzopyran-4-One, that reduce estrogen and can boost testosterone much more effectively. Boosting testosterone works best in conjunction with reducing estrogen, and this doesn't seem to be an effect of Massularia Acuminate.

For a true androgenic herb, I suggest you look at Tinospora which is used in the LG Sciences Natadrol product, of if you want a true prohormone, another product like Methyl 1-D is even more potent. Tinospora has multiple studies showing a true androgenic effect, and methyl 1-d contains an androgenic prohormone, making it better at boosting testosterone past natural levels. These will give you more of the results that you want opposed to Massularia Acuminate, which isn't well studied in humans nor in rats and isn't really an androgenic herb but more of a simple testosterone booster that needs more than 10 times the usual dose to get an effect.
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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 04-11-2010, 11:15 PM

Rhamnus nakaharai herb and plant

Review a list of botanical names of herbs and plants.

Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2007 Mar;
Antioxidative effects of 6-methoxysorigenin and its derivatives from Rhamnus nakaharai.
Department of Biotechnology, Tajen University, Pingtung, Taiwan.
In the search for potential antioxidants, the naphthalenic compounds, 6-methoxysorigenin (2) and its glycosides [i.e. 6-methoxysorigenin-8-O-glucoside (3), alpha-sorinin (4), and 6-methoxysorigenin-8-rutinoside (5)] isolated from Rhamnus nakaharai together with two acylates (peracetate and perpropionate) of 2 were evaluated for antioxidant activities using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), metal chelating, and electron spin resonance (ESR) assays as well as anti-lipid peroxidation assay. The results showed that 2 possesses the most potent DPPH radical scavenging, metal chelating, and anti-lipid peroxidation activities with IC50 values of 3.48, 615.90, and 5.95 microg/ml, respectively. The glycosides 3, 4, and 5 showed decreasing antioxidant activity that was related to an increased substitution at 1,8-dihydroxyl with sugar molecules. This suggests the importance of 1,8-dihydroxyl of 2 in the antioxidative effect. The iron chelation result could further explain the main cause of increasing antioxidant activity in 2. The acylates of 2 (2a peracetate and 2b perpropionate), although lacking a free hydroxyl, also exhibited significant anti-lipid peroxidation effect. ESR results further demonstrated that 2 possesses strong antioxidant activities. Taken together, this study shows that 2 is a potent antioxidant and may also be used for designing new iron chelators for clinical applications.
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Shade Shade Non in Linea
Moderatore Hollow
Messaggi: 6,900
Data registrazione: Dec 2008
Età: 36
Predefinito 05-11-2010, 09:47 AM

Grazie mille per le info
Praticamente questi elementi sono totalmente inutili ai fini dell'aumento del testo
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LiborioAsahi LiborioAsahi Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,115
Data registrazione: Sep 2008
Località: Mvtina
Età: 39
Predefinito 05-11-2010, 11:12 AM

Originariamente inviato da blackmambaq Visualizza Messaggio
innanzitutto si chiama Pink Magic...XD
è un integratore ai limiti dell'integrazione!! per questo viene consigliato di fare cicli di 6 giorni... co e avviene per animal test ec...
non è assolutamente quella la posologia dell'animal test.
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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
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Predefinito 05-11-2010, 01:57 PM

anche il diesel test hardcore tra i vari metodi di assunzione c'era qualcosa come 5 on e 2 off
la get diesel lo dava cosi per non far abituare troppo il corpo agli ingredienti

per l'animal test no ti sbagli dato che al suo interno è presente acido arachidonico si consiglia un assunzione di 42 giorni ininterrotti (info che puoi trovare proprio sull'etichetta dell'animal), questo perche l'acido arachidonico ha bisogno di un tot giorni per agire al meglio
nel x-factor dura qualche giorno di piu (50)

anche i vari test booster avrtebbero bisogno di tempi dalle 6 alle 8 settimane per agire al meglio

del pink magic non mi sono interessato tanto i primi log sponsorizzati dalla casa erano positivi pero altri un po' meno
magari qui c'e' una certa persona che potrebbe chiarirci i dubbi in pochi secondi sulla bonta del prodotto e sopratutto degli ingredienti all'interno
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menphisdaemon menphisdaemon Non in Linea
Messaggi: 336
Data registrazione: Nov 2009
Predefinito 05-11-2010, 02:19 PM

Si i log sponsorizzati ne parlavano bene ma non ho visto nessun blood sample e la maggior parte dei log erano di persone in ipercalorica bella tosta...poco attendibili imho.
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LiborioAsahi LiborioAsahi Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
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Data registrazione: Sep 2008
Località: Mvtina
Età: 39
Predefinito 05-11-2010, 07:35 PM

più che altro, un prodotto composto da 3 robe che non si son mai sentite vi pare affidabile?Già è abbastanza improbabile per una sostanza funziojnare e non essere 3???
Per quel che mi riguarda lo esclude la logiaca 'sto PM!!!
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gian90 gian90 Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 5,464
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito 05-11-2010, 07:45 PM

mah...eppure la ditta mi sembra "buona"
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Nettun Nettun Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
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Data registrazione: Sep 2009
Età: 31
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Predefinito 05-11-2010, 07:59 PM

hahahaha lo sapevo xD

oggi vado sul sito di integratori cosi per svagarmi un po mi compare sto scatolone con scritto pink magic

e mi faccio '' ma che cavolo è sta roba?''

vado a vedere

solite promesse
c'era scritto
aumento massa muscolare e perdita di grasso e aumento forza...
la solita storiella
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