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Vegeta Vegeta Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,631
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: sardegna
Età: 35
Predefinito proprietà antiestrogene dei cavoli e cottura - 23-05-2009, 01:36 PM

proprietà antiestrogene dei cavoli e cottura

ciao, sono in definizione e voglio tentare di abbassare un po gli estrogeni sfrutando le propriètà antiestrogene dei cavoli,
ho comprato un cavolo a foglie, però crudo fa schifo, non ci riesco a mangiarne più di una foglia, penso che se lo cucino diventa più buono, però mi (vi) chiedo: con la cottura perdo o riduco le propriètà antiestrogene dei cavoli?

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dreemteem dreemteem Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 907
Data registrazione: May 2008
Predefinito 23-05-2009, 03:25 PM

Originariamente inviato da Vegeta Visualizza Messaggio
ciao, sono in definizione e voglio tentare di abbassare un po gli estrogeni sfrutando le propriètà antiestrogene dei cavoli,
ho comprato un cavolo a foglie, però crudo fa schifo, non ci riesco a mangiarne più di una foglia, penso che se lo cucino diventa più buono, però mi (vi) chiedo: con la cottura perdo o riduco le propriètà antiestrogene dei cavoli?
CAVOLI se li perdi!
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Vegeta Vegeta Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,631
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: sardegna
Età: 35
Predefinito 23-05-2009, 03:28 PM

Originariamente inviato da dreemteem Visualizza Messaggio
CAVOLI se li perdi!
cioè devo per forza mangiarlo crudo?
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gian90 gian90 Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 5,464
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito 23-05-2009, 03:30 PM

ma ci credi sul serio?
per dire, sai quanti broccoli dovresti mangiare per una quantita' minima sufficente di indole-3-carbinol (principio attivo) a esplicare qualche minimo effetto?
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Vegeta Vegeta Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,631
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: sardegna
Età: 35
Predefinito 23-05-2009, 03:33 PM

Originariamente inviato da gian90 Visualizza Messaggio
ma ci credi sul serio?
per dire, sai quanti broccoli dovresti mangiare per una quantita' minima sufficente di indole-3-carbinol (principio attivo) a esplicare qualche minimo effetto?
esatto, voglio sfruttare il indole-3-carbinol.. sinceramente non so quanto devo mangiarne per avere dosi sufficienti...

ma penso che mi basta poco, sono un tipo poco estrogenico
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mrc_o mrc_o Non in Linea
Messaggi: 314
Data registrazione: Feb 2009
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Età: 49
Predefinito 23-05-2009, 03:58 PM

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Vegeta Vegeta Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,631
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: sardegna
Età: 35
Predefinito 24-05-2009, 09:36 AM

è vero, la serenoa è anche antiestrogena, però ho letto che riduce anche l' azione degli androgeni.. quindi non so, sono nel dubbio....

guru tu che dici?
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NoMoreTrouble NoMoreTrouble Non in Linea
Messaggi: 468
Data registrazione: Sep 2007
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Predefinito 24-05-2009, 01:12 PM

Originariamente inviato da Vegeta Visualizza Messaggio
è vero, la serenoa è anche antiestrogena, però ho letto che riduce anche l' azione degli androgeni.. quindi non so, sono nel dubbio....

guru tu che dici?
quindi ridurrebbe sia gli estrogeni che gli androgeni=nessun miglioramento
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Vegeta Vegeta Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,631
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: sardegna
Età: 35
Predefinito 24-05-2009, 01:59 PM


poi bisogna vedere in che misura li riduce, magari agisce più su uno che sull' altro, però in generale li riduce tutti e due
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taker_83 taker_83 Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,406
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: reggio calabria
Predefinito 24-05-2009, 05:36 PM

Io ho trovato questo articolo di Ori Hofmekler:

Estrogen Blockers: Citrus Bioflavonoids and Soy Flavones.

Citrus bioflavonoids contain some natural properties that may block estrogen. Citrus flavonoids are abundant in the white, spongy layer of citrus peels.

Soy flavones contain mild estrogenic properties. Most people are not affected by this mild estrogenic stimulation. Soy flavones bind to the estrogen receptors in the tissues and thus block these receptors from estrodiol, the most potent estrogen hormone. Estrodiol is called the "bad estrogen," because of its occasionally powerful effects on the body, such as bloating, water retention, fat gain, feminization of men, fat under the skin, and stubborn fat gain around the chest and the belly.

Experiments conducted in Italy have shown that combining citrus bioflavonoids with soy flavones is a most powerful, natural way to block the estrogenic effect on the body. Adding citrus bioflavonoids to soy flavones creates a more powerful defense against estrogen than taking soy flavones alone. It's popular today to take soy flavones as a natural preventative aid against estrogen-related cancers, but I feel the above combination is much more potent.

You can find both of these in natural food and specialty vitamin stores. They're sold as nutritional supplements in the form of capsules or tablets. Let me mention again that those who are sensitive to soy should consult their physician before taking any supplements containing soy flavones.
Anti-Aromataze Nutrients: Chrysine, Lignans, and Stinging Nettle (insert link to our anti-estrogen mix here)



Chrysine is a flavone that's derived from the Passiflora plant, or passion flower. It's chemically similar to cercitine, which is a citrus flavone. There was much hype about chrysine a few years ago when it was considered to be a powerful natural anti-aromataze substance. Unfortunately, those who took chrysine didn't get the expected results.

Some now believe that in order to get a positive result, one needs to take large amounts of chrysine (up to 5 or even 10 grams per day). In my opinion, chrysine may work as an anti-aromataze agent if taken in combination with other citrus bioflavanoids. These flavones and flavonoids work very well when combined together. However, when you isolate them, they aren't as potent. The synergistic effect of all these flavones together is what makes them so active. That's the way they appear in nature, and that's the best way to take them to get positive results.



Flaxseed lignans are found in the fibrous part of flaxseed, and according to Udo Erasmus, contain anti-estrogenic properties. It's unclear whether they work by solely blocking estrogen receptors, or by blocking the aromataze enzyme as well. However, lignans have shown positive results as a natural aid against estrogen-related problems. The best way to naturally ingest flaxseed lignans is through high-lignan flaxseed oil or flaxseed meal. Both are available in natural food stores.

NaturoDoc Note: This oil is unsaturated and can be overdosed, causing even more inflammation and oxidative stress. Better weight management is obtained from coconut oil, although the flax meal and whole seeds have very good fiber and lignan properties. Read our article on coconut oil here.


Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is an herb with promising potential as a natural aid against aromataze. Historically, people used nettle seeds and roots as a potency remedy. Nettle may have an aphrodisiac effect on men by increasing the level of free testosterone in the blood.

The anti-aromatazing properties of this herb are probably due to its ability to bind to the aromataze enzyme and thus neutralize it. Recent studies suggest that the plant may also be useful in treating enlarged prostate. When you take stinging nettle, follow the dosage recommended on the bottle. Nettle may also be a natural aid for women who suffer from estrogen-related stubborn fat. Due to its high-lignan content, this herb may help women block the effect of estrodiol.
Liver Detoxifiers as a Defense Against Alcohol-Related Stubborn Fat and Estrogen Derivatives


Inol-3-Carbinol, Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, and SAM

As mentioned before, one of the reasons for excessive estrogenic activity in the body is liver congestion. The liver works as a filter organ to break down or neutralize toxins, preventing them from reaching the blood. Excessive alcohol consumption blocks the liver enzyme that breaks down estrogen. Therefore, toxic estrogen derivatives go directly into the bloodstream, creating negative estrogenic effects. That's one reason why many heavy drinkers and alcoholics suffer from estrogen-related stubborn fat.

Inol-3-carbinol is a flavon that appears in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. This flavon is believed to be a natural aid for the liver's estrogen metabolism. You would need to ingest a lot of cruciferous vegetables to attain positive results. This may be unappealing and also uncomfortable, because consuming large amounts of broccoli, for instance, may cause gas or send you running to the bathroom. It's possible today to buy an active form of inol-3-carbinol, patented as "DIM" and distributed under the brand name Indoplex.

(NaturoDoc Note: DIM is more extensively discussed here, and can be purchased online through the NaturoDoc Store here.)

Nevertheless, routinely consuming cruciferous vegetables is a natural, simple way to protect the liver. Supplementation is recommended for those who suffer from alcohol-related liver problems. Healthy people, in my opinion, should be able to protect themselves by simply maintaining a proper nutritious diet.

Those who want to accelerate liver detoxification and rejuvenation should consider taking milk thistle and dandelion root, since these herbs have been shown to help the liver detoxify and recuperate. Dandelion root is a diuretic herb and mildly laxative, so be cautious about the amount you take. Start with a small dosage, see how you feel, and then increase it slightly. Both are available as teas, tinctures, and capsules.

Adenosylemethionine (SAM) is a relatively new supplement. Its primary function is to alleviate depression; however, it can also be very useful for liver detoxification, especially for those who suffer from estrogen-related toxicity. Our bodies naturally produce SAM, but those who have metabolic problems or nutrient deficiencies may not produce enough. SAM is available in most natural food and specialty vitamin stores.

Those who take steroids, and women who take hormone replacements, place pressure on their liver to break down and detoxify these drugs. An inability by the liver to break them down may cause unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, water retention, and weight gain. Natural supplementation in these cases could help.


Yohimbe bark -- Alpha Antagonist

Yohimbe bark is an herb derived from a West African yohimbe tree. Yohimbe is used as an aphrodisiac herb for men who want to boost potency. It may also benefit those who suffer from stubborn fat. Yohimbe is an alpha-2-adrenergenic antagonist, meaning that yohimbe may block alpha-receptors of fat cells. By blocking alpha-receptors, it makes it possible for a stubborn fat tissue to be metabolized (the adrenal hormones bind to the beta-receptors and activate a fat-burning response). For both men and women who suffer from stubborn fat, this herb may offer positive effects. However, some people don't react well to yohimbe. Those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart conditions, or thyroid problems should consult their physician before trying it.

NaturoDoc Note: Our yohimbe products can be purchased online through the NaturoDoc Store; see the Related Products list below.

To help get rid of stubborn fat, it's worth considering some nutritional supplementation, which may help attack it on four levels:


Anti-estrogen (citrus bioflavonoids and soy flavones)

Anti-aromataze (chrysine plus citrus bioflavonoids, flaxseed lignans, and stinging nettle)

Liver detoxifiers (inol 3 carbinol, milk thistle, dandelion root, and SAM)

Alpha antagonist (yohimbe bark)


In closing, let me reiterate how essential exercise is to accelerate fat burning and reduce stress. Of course, maintaining a healthy diet is of utmost importance in order to achieve positive results. Exercise makes the results you're hoping for happen that much faster.

Mi sembra un valido punto di vista.anche se da prendere con i dovuti accorgimenti (ad es., alcuni estratti dovrebbero essere valutati prima di assumerli: vedi yohimbe-illegale in Italia).
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Vegeta Vegeta Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,631
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: sardegna
Età: 35
Predefinito 30-05-2009, 10:39 PM

grazie taker, in pratica le cose che mi possono servire sono
citrus bioflavonoids e la chrysine, la yoimbina purtroppo è illegale..
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