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M.Ivanko M.Ivanko Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,352
Data registrazione: May 2009
Predefinito TTA e Bulbine natalensis - 27-12-2012, 08:36 PM

TTA e Bulbine natalensis

Tetradecylthioacetic Acid, commonly abbreviated to TTA for ease, has become the latest ‘must have’ supplement for fat loss. Early research suggests that TTA triggers the release of fat from cells so it can then be used for energy. The great thing about TTA is that its fat burning process doesn't result in muscle loss either. Researchers also found a reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) when using TTA.

Bulbine Natalensis Tablets contain a massive 750mg of pure Bulbine Natalensis; making them the strongest and most potent Bulbine supplement available – with most Bulbine products containing only 500mg per tablet! Not only this, but, as always, we have the lowest price in Europe too!
Bulbine Natalensis is an herb native to South Africa, that has started to gain huge popularity as a male support product. While research on Bulbine Natalensis is relatively new, it has been used in South Africa for centuries to optimise hormone levels, enhance libido and improve sexual performance. Indeed, early animal studies are already reinforcing why Bulbine Natalensis has been so popular in South Africa.
There have been several studies on Wistar Rats; one such study, published in the Pharmaceutical Biology Journal, concluded that research on Bulbine Natalensis “further supports the folkloric use of the plant” to optimise male hormone levels. In this study, rats exhibited a near 350% increase in test levels and a 35% reduction in estradiol; undoubtedly making Bulbine one of the most promising products to hit the supplement market in recent years.

Mi scuso in anticipo se per caso i due in questione non sono notificati, se è il caso spostate pure.
Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?

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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
Invia un messaggio via MSN a greatescape
Predefinito 27-12-2012, 08:59 PM

il primo è buono per il dimagrimento
il secondo non si diceva che era un po' epatossico o causava danni al fegato?
non ho visto molti log con quest' ultimo prodotto
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Guru Guru Non in Linea
Uncensored Magister
Messaggi: 25,331
Data registrazione: Jan 2005
Località: Kalepolis
Età: 47
Predefinito 29-12-2012, 04:44 PM

La Bulbine Natalensis non solo ha dimostrato effetti epatotossici nel fegato dei ratti, ma anche nefrotossici.

Quindi fegato e reni sarebbero a rischio.

Il TTA è promettente e potrebbe avere effetti non solo sul dimagrimento, ma al momento non è autorizzato come integratore.
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