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gian90 gian90 Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 5,464
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito Non possocrederci...AXcite - 20-12-2008, 05:35 PM

Non possocrederci...AXcite

What’s the best way for me to use AXCITE™, and how long do the effects last?
The effects of AXCITE™ can last from 8-12 hours. The full advantages of AXCITE™ will be achieved when you apply AXCITE™ either directly onto your pulse points or onto your clothing. A pulse point, for example, includes your wrist, neck, or behind your ears. The beating of your heart causes these points to pulse, which helps to diffuse the pheromones out to women around you. While applying each spray to a pulse point is the best method to diffuse the pheromones to women around you, the effects of AXCITE™ will last slightly longer when applied to clothing. Your natural movement, as with any cologne, will be enough to diffuse the pheromones to women nearby and will cause the effects to last the full 12 hours. We recommend that you use no more than one (1) to two (2) sprays daily. Exceeding the recommended number of sprays will NOT increase your chances. In fact, you’d likely be one of those guys that women say “Wow, he’s wearing too much cologne tonight! Must be desperate.” The trick is to be subtle, and 1-2 sprays will accomplish just that!
Under what circumstances will AXCITE™ work best?
AXCITE™, and human sex pheromones in general, will always work best when you are in close proximity to a woman. The closer you are, the better your opportunity. Don’t expect a woman standing at the other end of a mall to notice you! Sometimes, in very crowded places where women are subjected to sensory overload from the smell of food, popcorn, alcohol, all the different colognes and perfumes that men and women are wearing, and the general smell that people carry with them, women’s senses may be temporarily dulled down. The pheromone molecules too can easily become diluted as they diffuse out across the crowds.

AXCITE™ is most effective when worn in rooms with fewer people, such as libraries, smaller college classrooms, private dinner booths at restaurants, and so on. One exception however is bars. Let’s face it, that’s where a lot of us go to meet women. So, here’s how you can take full advantage of AXCITE™’s powerful Pheromone LP7 blend, even in areas that can be crowded.

Remember, the trick is to get close. And what better way to get close to a woman in a bar than to say “What?” The music is almost always LOUD in bars, at night-clubs, and at parties. So use this to your advantage. By applying a spray or two of AXCITE™ to either your neck, or behind your ears, a woman will be drawn to you instantly as she leans in closer to you to repeat what she said! The closer she get’s, the more pheromones she will inhale.

SDA40B Alcohol, Purified Water, Di-Propylene Glycol, Fragrance, Essential Oils, 5a-Androstenone, 5a-Androstenol, Androstadienone, Beta-Androstenol, Estratetraenol, Androsterone, Androstadienol

Ma sta roba...c'e' il minimo riskio ke funzioni? lol

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