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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Localitą: perugia
Etą: 40
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Predefinito blackgoogle - 08-12-2007, 12:28 AM


How is Blackoogle saving energy?

Blackoogle was created by to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackoogle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.

Blackoogle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. Several studies have shown that up to a 20% saving could be reached on CRT monitors. A given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen. Energy Star Desktop Information

In January 2007 a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. Since then there has been skepticism about the significance of the energy savings that can be achieved and the cost in terms of readability of black web pages.

We believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackoogle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy.
How can you help?

We encourage you to set Blackoogle as your home page. This way every time you load your Internet browser you will save a little bit of energy. Remember every bit counts! You will also be reminded about the need to save energy each time you see the Blackoogle page load.

Help us spread the word about Blackoogle by telling your friends and family to set it as their home page. If you have a blog then give us a mention. Or put the following text in your email signature: " - Saving energy one search at a time".

che ne dici gianni potremmo ispirarci in qualche modo?
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Trokji Trokji Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 10,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Predefinito 08-12-2007, 09:18 AM

bah secondo me non č questa la strada da perseguire. ci sono molte altre cose che non implicano di sacrificare artificiosamente (in questo caso l'impostazione di un sito) e che danno uguali o maggiori vantaggi
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