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Allenamento: Periodizzazione e programmazione La teoria, la tecnica, le scuole di pensiero e tutto ciò che occorre per un allenamento proficuo e senza traumi.

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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
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Età: 39
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Predefinito Sovra-allenamento programmato - 29-12-2008, 05:11 PM

Sovra-allenamento programmato

di seguito
The Super-Accumulation Program di Charles Poliquin

So, by the end of the first two weeks of this program, you will:

1) Lose strength

2) Lose muscle

3) Be chronically overtrained

4) Experience aching tendons and joints

5) Be brutally sore (and train right through it)

6) Be mentally depressed

7) Feel like killing yourself or others

Total Body Hypertrophy Plan

Train nine times per week:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday — Train twice per day

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning — Train once per day

Sunday — Off

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Morning Workout

A1) Back Squat, 5 x 4-6, 5 x 4-6, 40X0* tempo, rest 100 seconds

* That's four seconds down, no pause, explode up, no pause, then repeat for the next rep.

A2) Leg Curl, 5 x 4-6, 5 x 4-6, 40X0 tempo, rest 100 seconds

Note: Those A1/A2 designations mean to perform one set of squats, rest, perform one set of leg curls, rest, and repeat until you get five sets. Then move to the "B" exercises.

B1) Lean-Away Chin-ups , 4010 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B2) Dips, 4010 tempo, rest 100 seconds

Evening Workout

A) Snatch Deadlift on platform, 10 x 6, 5010 tempo, resting 3 minutes between sets

B1) Seated Dumbbell Press, palms facing each other (semi-supinated), 5 x 6-8, 4010 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B2) One-Arm Dumbbell Rows, 5 x 6-8, 2011 tempo, rest 100 seconds

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings

A1) Front Squats, 5 x 4-6, 40X0 tempo, rest 100 seconds

A2) Kneeling Leg Curl 5 x 4-6, 40X0 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B1) Close-Grip Pronated Pull-ups, 5 x 6-8, 3011 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B2) Incline Dumbbell Press 5 x 6-8, 3110 tempo, rest 100 seconds

Crucial Points

• Each set goes balls to the walls!

• Not counting warm-ups, take each set to concentric failure. In other words, don't do a set of 8 with a weight you can rep to 15. Do sets of 8 with a weight you can only lift 8 times.

• If you have to decrease the weight every set to get the required number of reps, decrease the weight by no more than 5%.

• Use your normal recovery methods: pre-workout drinks, during workout drinks, post-workout Surge, beta alanine, whatever. You'll need it. Take at least 40 grams of BCAA during each workout. Yes, I said 40.

• Your appetite will go up at first during the end of the two weeks of loading, then it will begin to decrease. That's a sign of overtraining by volume. The second sign is that you'll find you can't get enough sleep. Sneak in a nap anytime you can; the more sleep the better.

• To combat deep muscle soreness, take 4-5 grams daily of the amino acid lysine. Lysine stores go down when you overtrain.

• If you choose your own exercises, remember that all the movements you use have to be "most bang for your buck" exercises. Every exercise should involve at least two joints or more. No dumbbell flyes, kickbacks, or other Men's Healthexercises done with pursed lips.

• Don't fuck with the recipe. If anything, add more training, but don't substitute dinky exercises. Don't do alternating dumbbell curls on the Bosu ball while holding a Bodyblade between your teeth.

• During the two weeks of overreaching, if you don't bother to eat two grams of protein per pound of body weight, stay home.

• Don't take Testosterone boosting supplements during the loading weeks. You want to train to the point of depressed Testosterone! Save the T-boosters for the five day off period.

• Don't worry about direct arm work. You'll gain plenty of arm size without direct biceps and triceps work during this program if you choose to use dips, chins, and presses.

• Now, if you want to use different exercises — back squat in the morning, heals-elevated squats at night, front squats the next day, next day after that a cyclist squat, etc. — that doesn't matter. But, week one and week two should look the same. You need to make sure of this so you'll be able to see if you got 20% weaker on those same exercises.

• Consume 30 to 45 grams of fish oil per day during the loading phase. (No need to do this during your five off days because you'll want more calories from carbs and you don't want to slow down the insulin response with the fish oil during this off/rebuilding period.)

• You have to make a contract with yourself to do the work. Reward yourself with a big dinner on the last Saturday night. Ideally, if you don't have a coach, train in a team of three partners.

5 Day Recovery Period Guidelines

• Off is off. No "recovery work." Besides, if you squat in five training sessions in three days, you think you're going to want to run around a parking lot dragging a fucking sled?

• During this five days off, you'll want to eat something every hour and a half. Alternate solids meals with liquid meals. Always start with solid.

Wake up and have a high protein breakfast — buffalo steak and berries, for example. Ninety minutes later, have the equivalent of 250 grams of Surge or a bunch of whey protein and carbohydrate powder. Add about 20 grams of glutamine into these shakes. That's 80 grams of glutamine per day during your five recovery days.

• If you don't eat and eat and eat, it's not going to work. Calories are the focus during this recovery period.

If you're not putting the weight back on, I don't have a problem with you eating some empty calories. Eat some ice cream if you want it. Five days of that isn't going to hurt you, especially considering the average American eats like that 365 days per year.

• Massage and frequency-specific microcurrent acupuncture will accelerate recovery. Ice massage is for dorks, only raises your cortisol, and doesn't do shit.

• Double-dose Alpha Male during this off period. By your third off day, you'll be hornier than a three-balled billy goat because your Testosterone levels will be shooting through the ceiling.

• Once you start overeating, your joints and tendons will begin to feel better. In this five day phase, your whole demeanor and physique will change. You'll feel like the Incredible Hulk!

Back To The Gym

You trained to near-death for two weeks, then took five days off. Now what?

After your off period, go to the gym and do your Monday morning workout from the loading phase. Take a day off. Then do Tuesday's workout. Your goal here is to evaluate your progress. Prepare yourself to see some major gains. After that, you can start the cycle all over again if you choose.

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Guru Guru Non in Linea
Uncensored Magister
Messaggi: 25,331
Data registrazione: Jan 2005
Località: Kalepolis
Età: 47
Predefinito 30-12-2008, 06:41 PM

I microcicli di picco si fanno e non vi è nulla di strano, ma nel suo approccio vedo un estremismo che ritengo pericoloso e probabilmente controproducente.
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ArmandoVinci ArmandoVinci Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
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Predefinito 30-12-2008, 07:06 PM

Concordo con Gianni.
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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 39
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Predefinito 30-12-2008, 08:55 PM

boh lui ne parla come se fosse un massacro ma a me non sembra così duro.. boh probabilmente se lo facessi andrei in coma (lol)
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IronPaolo IronPaolo Non in Linea
Psycho Lifter
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Data registrazione: Jun 2005
Località: Arezzo
Età: 55
Predefinito 31-12-2008, 10:21 AM


Dangerous Fitness » Blog Archive » The Super Accumulation Program - allenarsi 2 volte al giorno

eh eh eh
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pussy pussy Non in Linea
Messaggi: 497
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 31-12-2008, 06:50 PM secondo me tutto va a buon fine, è nella natura del corpo umano tentare di adattarsi agli stimoli stressanti...insomma le varie teorie sulla supercompensazione le conosciamo tutti quindi...

semplicemente la questione è: me la sento di affrontaare una cosa del genere? il rischio è quello di cadere in una situazione che potrebbe prolungarsi per mesi e non per 2 settimane... perche si sommano vari stress non solo quello dell'allenamento...e la condizione di deficit potrebbe diventare eccessiva
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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 39
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Predefinito 31-12-2008, 07:44 PM

boh ragazzi io sento di gente che è andata in sovrallenamento dopo 3 settimane di volume o di hit, roba da ricovero con tanto di flebo!

sinceramente penso che in quei casi ci sia stato una problematica preesistente sotto
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pussy pussy Non in Linea
Messaggi: 497
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 01-01-2009, 08:50 AM

forse c'è qualche problema o forse iniziano il periodi di carico che sono già stanchi e stressati ...sia x gli allenamenti ke x la vita normale...

va da sè che lo studio di poliquin non è una cazzata nè tantomeno da demonizzare, è solo un'estremizzazione del concetto carico-scarico..
come tutte le cose funziona sulla carta, ma nella realtà è soggettivo, entrano in gioco molti fattori...troppi
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