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mistersalvo 15-10-2011 02:21 PM

Indigo-3G is a new product brought to you by T NATION, and claims to “repartition nutrients into muscle instead of fat.” What sets Indigo-3G apart is that it uses an all new ingredient matrix that hasn’t yet been scientifically back, so in essence–nobody knows if it works or not. This creates both good and bad benefits: one, you could just be wasting your money on a product that will never deliver results, and since there are no scientific findings in regards to this product this is likely. BUT, and this is a very lucky but–it could work. It also hasn’t been dis-proven. So with such an up-in-the-air product, we decided to study its claims, take them apart a little, and try and see through all the hype its giving itself.

Facts, or Something Like Them

The name Indigo-3G was derived from the products secret (or not-so-secret) ingredient, called cyanidin 3-glucoside. We’ll shorten it to C3G for convenience purposes. In a book on polyphenols, C3G is described as a natural colorant found in bilberries and other fruits and flowers. It is produced from natural sources, (extraction processes) and will release hydrochloric acid in water.

It’s claims like: C3G’s literally makes your body function perfectly for building muscle mass without the fear of gaining fat, even while on a bulking diet, that cause us to question its validity. If this compound truly works at redirecting and reformulating your body’s ability to repartition nutrients–then why hasn’t it been discovered before now? It’s not like we didn’t have resources to figure this out. Especially over the last few decades when berries have received lots of attention for their antioxidant benefits.

Studies on mice show that C3G can help relieve symptoms of diabetes by reducing fat and redirecting insulin. These are problematic findings because they have only been tested on mice, for one, never on humans or athletes. It seems that if Indigo-3G is basing their entire premises on early findings on mice, than they cannot actually make any claims–not yet. We would advise athletes to look elsewhere until more conclusive evidence is found on the C3G compound. Until then, there are scientifically backed products that do in fact help you gain muscle mass and lose weight.

dire che nel web ne parlano bene è chi mi spiega a che serve??? il mio inglese si è un pò arrugginito

Guru 15-10-2011 04:00 PM

Io la conosco come antocianina presente nelle arance rosse, quindi come potente antiossidante.

Non sapevo di questa presunta funzione sulla crescita muscolare.
Vedo di indagare e ti faccio sapere.

Per ora posso dirti che, in teoria, è tranquillamente notificabile e che l'estratto di arancia rossa di sicilia sarebbe un'ottima fonte.

sOmOja 15-10-2011 04:02 PM

è un insulino-sensibilizzatore
migliorando la sensibilità insulinica a livello muscolare dovrebbe migliorare la composizione corporea (la maggiorparte dei nutrienti sarebbero utilizzati dai muscoli), migliorando anche il profilo glucidico.

praticamente come la metformina (farmaco antidiabetico).
il problema è che se anche fosse vero, non sappiamo quali potrebbero essere gli effetti collaterali alla posologia indicata o in caso di sovradosaggio (ad esempio la metformina agisce riducendo i livelli di androgeni plasmatici, effetto collerale che nessun atleta ricerca).

mistersalvo 16-10-2011 01:04 PM

si ma lo vendono a 480 dollari 3 confezioni...mi sembra un pò riduttivo o è la truffa del secolo

sOmOja 16-10-2011 02:15 PM

onestamente non sono in grado di risponderti ma se avesse tutti i pregi che dichiarano dovrebbe essere diffuso come terapia antidiabete e antiobesità

mistersalvo 18-10-2011 05:00 PM


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