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ArmandoVinci 21-05-2010 01:27 AM

BackCare - Linee guida dal NICE (english)
Link -> BackCare welcomes new NICE guidelines - BackCare

Opinioni diverse nei commenti finali, idee, pareri, esperienze, critiche?

manakei 21-05-2010 08:16 AM

In base al grado di dolore percepito, alla riduzione delle proprie abilità ed al disagio subito a causa del mal di schiena, il paziente dovrebbe saper decidere, magari assieme al proprio medico di base, a quale professionista rivolgersi.

Es: se cado in bicicletta e mi procuro un escara di 10x10cm mi medicherò ma non mi reco da un dermatologo.
Così se in seguito ad uno sforzo o ad una manovra impropria mi procuro "il colpo della strega" (tanto per capirci) non è necessario rivolgersi ad un chirurgo ortopedico che mi prescriverà un antinfiammatorio fino alla remissione dei non voglio prendere farmaci mi rivolgerò all'agopuntura, osteopatia, fisioterapia ecc.

ArmandoVinci 24-05-2010 02:59 PM


The use of X-rays or injections in diagnosing non-specific back pain is not recommended in the new guidelines. In the vast majority of back pain cases, X-rays and MRI scans do not provide any useful information on where the pain comes from or how it may be treated.


I am very surprised that BackCare is supporting this NICE guideline. GP's are not qualified to diagnose spinal injuries, and as a consequence should never refer a patient for any kind of "manipulation" (which could aggravate their condition) while the extent of the spinal injury or condition is still unknown, or suggest any other alternative treatment, causing them delay in obtaining the useful medical facts about their spine. Patients must be seen by a qualified orthopaedic or neuro spinal surgeon who would use appropriate diagnostic techniques such as X-Ray & MRI to provide a safe and accurate diagnosis before suggesting any kind of treatment This is a dangerous misguided cost cutting exercise by NICE to cut down on referrals to consultants and avoid X-Ray & MRI costs. It will not help in the long term as patients will suffer for much longer through not receiving the correct advice and treatment in time. As treatment cannot be given before diagnosis in any medical condition patients need to be adamant with their GP that they want a properly qualified diagnosis by a consultant before any treatment is undertaken. You may gather by my tone that I have first hand experience of this situation. This NICE guideline is very irresponsible and worse still goes hand in hand with the February announcement from NICE that "MRI's are no aid to back care" The message being sent out by this guideline is very misleading for patients who have yet to receive a proper diagnosis. I would like to know why BackCare support this guideline.

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